A Closer Look FlexLife

Empowering Success Together

Meet Fred

We provide comprehensive solutions and support to help you reach new goals.

“I make a good, steady living, but I’m my family’s sole breadwinner. I need a way to protect
my wife and kids financially if something happened to me, while saving for our future too.”


  • Age: 35
  • Married with 2 Children
  • Occupation: Construction Foreman
  • Situation: Sole household earner earning a competitive salary. Fred is young and healthy but is exposed to job-site risks.


  • Protect family financially from the unexpected.
  • Grow assets for the future, such as retirement.
  • These assets should be secure from market loss.
  • Have cash available for emergencies.

One Insurance Policy does all of these:

Fred’s Needs:

FlexLife Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Fred is proud to provide for his family. But what would happen to them if he died. He needs a financial solution that protects his family if he cannot provide for them, after he is gone. He also wants to grow his savings over
time, but without the downside risk of the markets.

Fred’s Solution:

Working with his financial professional, Fred purchases a FlexLife policy with a $500,000 death benefit. Being young, healthy and a non-smoker, his premium is competitive.

Beyond the death benefit, Fred’s permanent life insurance coverage meets all his other needs too with features such as:

  • Flexible coverage and premiums, which let him make adjustments, up or down, if his situation changes.
  • Cash value accumulation potential, with interest crediting based in part on the returns of market indexes plus an interest bonus starting in the sixth policy year.
  • Access to several different market index strategies (with some state exceptions) and one fixed interest strategy to provide interest crediting choices.
  • The index strategies will not lose money due to a decline in the index because of the 0% Floor Guarantees on all five indexed strategies, plus a 1% Floor option for even more protection.
  • A Lifetime Income Benefit Rider, which provides the potential to guarantee a tax-free retirement income stream for the rest of his life.
  • Plus many optional riders that may offer Fred financial protection and peace of mind in light of the unexpected.

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