
Let your dollars make sense

Cash can be like junk food:

It can make us feel good when we have it. But too much of either isn’t good for your long-term health or wealth.

Having cash on hand to cover life’s curveballs is important. And while “cash” is usually associated with a regular checking account, there are similar low risk accounts that are generally used for short-term investing and can be converted to cash.

These options include:

  • High-Yield Savings Accounts
  • Certificates of Deposit (CD)
  • Money Market Accounts
  • Short-Term Government Bonds
  • Treasury Bills
  • Marketable Securities

The right amount cash to keep on hand is different for everyone

If you’re still working…

It may be a good idea to set aside enough cash to cover between three and six months of living expenses in case of a job loss or change in employment.

If you’re retired…

You may have reliable income sources to help cover your living expenses, but it’s the unpredictable events you need to prepare for now.


  • Roof replacement $5,000-$10,000
  • Electrical rewiring $4,000-$12,000
  • HVAC replacement $7,000-$10,000
  • Termite damage $3,000


  • Head gasket $3,456-$5,459
  • Engine replacement $4,000-$7,000
  • Catalytic converter $933-$4,414
  • Transmission $4,000-$7,000
Work with your financial professional to find the cash-on-hand balance that’s just right for you.